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Is Xlntrade a scam?
Is Xlntrade a scam?
Since its establishment, Xlntrade has obtained a license from the Financial Supervision Authority in Seychelles (FSA), according to what was stated on the company’s official website. This license is considered one of the weakest regulatory licenses, whether because of the ease of obtaining it without conditions or because of the weakness of the regulatory body itself in its supervisory procedures.
xlntrade شركة
However, it cannot be confirmed that this company is a fraud due to the lack of conclusive evidence for that accusation? Although there are many complaints from the company's traders that they are exposed to financial losses during trading or that they are unable to withdraw their profits. However, there are no direct complaints about the company directly violating the laws of regulatory authorities.

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Wiadomości w tym wątku
Is Xlntrade a scam? - przez doaausef3li - 26.01.2024, 04:43

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Użytkownicy przeglądający ten wątek: 1 gości

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